Aggregan Cartilage Synthesis Assay (CS846 ELISA)
Cat. # 60-1004

Intended use:

The CS846, also known as aggrecan chondroitin sulfate 846 epitope, measures newly formed aggrecan. This ELISA assay with specific IgM monoclonal antibody recognizes an epitope present in fetal aggrecan and large aggrecan produced to repair cartilage damage when tissue is affected by RA or OA.

Click here – to download the CS846 Specification Sheet

Method:                      ELISA competitive, 96 wells

Sample type:              Optimized for serum (may also be used for plasma, synovial fluid, cell culture media)

Sample volume:        10 µL per replicate

Calibration range:     20 – 1000 ng/mL

Incubation time:        3 hours

Species:                     Optimized for human (may also be used for various animal species)